
25 January, 2011

being awol

Its been a while since I've updated my blog. A part of me feels it warrants explanation. I'm on holiday. A long one. Its involved lots of family, old friends and some new adventures to places such as Berlin and Bangkok. There have been yoga postures, herbal teas, mulled wine and real ale. Three novels - so far. One full note book. Over 500 photographs. Lousy internet access and zero TV. Putting on a Christmas kilo. Losing 5. A dry January. Seeing real life Polar Bears (!!!). Playing in snow. Walks in Croyde and parties in London and Berlin. So a welcome break one would argue (which I am very unashamed of). My mind talks in coherant sentences - for a change - sometimes even in Thai and I am looking forward to getting myself back and sharing some of my learnings along the way.

Meanwhile... time for a swim.
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