
04 September, 2011

falling down stairs

I fell down a wooden staircase today. I had an iPhone in one hand and a laptop in the other. I'm pretty amazed that I got away with a few grazes because at one point my mind told me something was broken. The only other time I've seriously fallen down stairs was once when I was 3, my oldest memory (converged with imagination I'm sure) and again when I was 7, got concussion and had a day off school.
Anyway, shortly after, I read this post from Faris about beliefs and the idea that "surfacing the serediptious is as valuable, or more valuable in some senses, then simply creating more content, it could be argued..." as he reruns some of his previous ideas... I'm looking forward to seeing whether any of his views have changed and what they may have been. The beauty of the tangibility of stories on the interweb - so easily resurfaced and reflected upon. And equally dangerous.
Personally, while a tad sore and bruised, I'm pretty relieved that I didn't break my back this morning. Perhaps I'll think twice in future when walking with my appended devices down wooden stairs in a pair of sandals. A pretty painful and quick lesson to learn.

01 September, 2011

healing your body with your mind

So basically, if you believe in something that gives your life meaning, you have a better life. Why?
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