"The best place to find God is in a garden. You can dig for him there." George Bernard Shaw
What do you love about gardening? “I like
to potter in my creations. To see new life develop from cuttings I’ve taken and
to be able to pick fresh from the garden in order to cook”
This summer as I returned to the UK for
time with family and friends; I spent a good duration at The Brookfield; my Dad
and second-mum’s guesthouse in Braunton, North Devon.
Besides indulging a game of backgammon or
bike ride with the old man and yummy sunny luncheon with Julie, I also practiced
a bit of goodness and worked at the guesthouse as its also a very busy time for
them both. There I would learn how to do hospital corners on bed sheets and use
a press iron. One of the other
skills I acquired was a spot of gardening.
Gardening for me was always been a ‘pop it
in a pot and give it water’ job for me and really my plants have been limited
to houseplants beside the one time 7 years ago when I got a bonsai tree, went
on two week ski trip and came back to it dead. A big lesson for me.
Julie (my
second mum) on the other hand, is an incredibly talented gardener as was her
mum. So consequently her garden is a wonderful retreat to sit out in, flush
with blooming colours and relaxing vibrations. I asked Julie what the key is to
creating a stunning garden and she explained the importance of having “an eye
for contrasts and textures, time and dedication” and her appreciation for
continued learning while “discovering new plants”.
Julie and I took out two trees from the
root while we were in the garden. While such a simple task of digging a big
hole, shaking the branches and yanking the roots with fierce determination – it
was very, very satisfying and now Jules has space to plant some beautiful colourful flowers that give life as opposed to the old trees that were taking away the goodness...I will be leaving Julie’s garden inspired to do more.
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