
11 January, 2014

natural beauty locked in stone

Egan & Jess in the snows of New England, USA

One of the highlights to my Christmas in New York City was unwrapping a beautiful package from a lovely true and beautiful couple who I met in India and having a stunning piece of jewellery around my neck designed by an inspiring and empowered lady; Jessica Vose. 

Jessica is an artist in love with nature, precious stones and silver, hence she designs and makes stunning jewellery. The package I opened was a collection of amazing stones and their stories, explaining each of their essences. I felt so comforted, protected and empowered by the precious stones that are great for travelling with and I love the deep shimmering blue Labradorite pendant that I wear around my neck believed to encapsulate the Northern Lights. I really enjoy meditating with my crystals that take me back to the giant cleansing crystals the live encrusted within the amazing giants of the Himalayas of India where I felt very soulfully cleansed, connected and true.

I met Jessica in India where she was bringing to life Saraswati Stones inspired by the Goddess Saraswati who is strongly associated with flowing water in her role as a goddess of knowledge. She is depicted as a beautiful woman possessing four arms, and is usually shown wearing a spotless white sari and seated on a white lotus or riding a white swan. 

True to Saraswati's jewel like essence, Jessica asks people to embrace the beauty of nature with earth energy jewellery and I'd invite you to visit her online store and see if any of those beautiful stones call to you too.



Tigers Eye

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