
24 April, 2010

How to start a movement

Here are some learnings from Derek Silvers TED Talk:

  • A leader needs the guts to stand out and be ridiculed
  • If you’re the lone nut who starts a movement, who goes out there alone, nurture your first few followers as equals – its about the movement not about you
  • The first follower is an underestimated form of leadership in itself - he shows the others how to follow
  • A movement must be public, new followers emulate the followers not the leader
  • Leadership is over glorified; the first follower transforms the lone nut in to a leader (if we’re all trying to be leaders it’d be ineffective)
  • As more people join in, its less risky, so those who were spectators now have no reason not to get involved - they won't stand out, they won't be ridiculed, they may be part of the in crowd if they hurry (Tipping point)

So, find your followers, embrace them as equals and have the courage to follow and show others. how to follow

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