
21 July, 2011

make a bad situation less volatile

There are a lot of things to be unhappy about in London right now, amongst a backdrop of media drownings, a struggling economy and police saying to their bellies "you're under a vest" (that was a bad joke wasn't it?) there are people who are losing their jobs, their homes and change is one thing they can be certain of.

One individual in particular is willing to look on the brighter side of a bad situation. @fern_tastic from W+K London lost her job. Rather than hiding in a cupboard and smudging mascara down her face, she decided to share a rap about redundancy to encourage her co-workers to be optimistic too.
How refreshing. Although little did she know that one of the meanies from Campaign Mag would try to rain on her parade (its one thing to pass judgement on a shit campaign and another to do so to an individual who has just lost her job and is trying to keep a smile on her face and those around her).

Their comments that it was "possibly the worst white, middle-class... embarrassingly girly rap"clearly missing the point (a concern in itself) did more to embarrass themselves than Miss Fernie T as she promptly responded inviting the challenge and remaining positively optimistic.

Go Fern! I think we all could learn from Miss Trelfa.

Full disclosure: Fern is one of my favourite people in this world.

1 comment:

Charles Edward Frith said...

Nice post. So much negativity around right now and unfortunately it taps into our R complex quite well so there's money in it. Good to go against that.

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