
30 November, 2013

lighting it up with thanksgiving hugs in NYC

I wonder whether we all get to hit a wall at some point in life, where one makes a conscious choice between a selfish childlike 'me' and a selfless mature care and respect for another. And so it seemed really apt that the time I reflected on this, was a unique time when the festivals of Hanukah and Thanksgiving were on the same day for the first time in 125 years and I was celebrating it New York City.

My thanksgiving started the night before when I spent the evening with a couch-surf host named Evan and his family for Hannukah, the Jewish festival of lights. Evan and I immediately hit it off and had that wonderful kinship of 'brother from another mother' that was so heartwarmingly welcoming.

The evening was magical. We shared stories, chants and moments of awe. Candles were lit and traditional Jewish snacks were had. Its not often I get to share the family experience and when those occasions happen, I feel so grateful. My host's mother was beautiful and we just understood one another. She reminded me of my Mum and I gave her the biggest hug of gratitude in true appreciation for the wonderful mothers out there. My Mum, Eggers, being one of them not to mention my second Mum, Julie and my God mother, Aunty Sarah along with Mother Nature of course, the Super-duper Mum.  I feel incredibly lucky and yet on days of family celebrations, while on the road, I can be a little sentimental because unlike a lot of people, I am rocking it solo and despite it being a conscious choice; I obviously miss my family at times.

Thankfully, as they say, love transcends space and time.

So as a tribute to all the Super Mums, and as a little random act of kindness from a wee traveler, I decided to share some love on the streets of NYC. I stood in the chill, smiled from my heart and with my glittery sign said "Happy Thanksgiving" to people who passed me by. I hugged big people, little people, jews, blacks, pinks, whites and oranges. There was a toothless homeless guy and a fur-coated lady. They all got a hugging. I even accidentally said "Happy Birthday" to one guy but we both kind of appreciated that too. It was a joy to see people's faces light up, to give a real fearless hug and to just say thanks.

Two men proposed to me. One asked for my number. Another lady tried to give me money and a guy offered to buy me a coffee. One girl from Singapore joined me for a while. But having a few people say "Thanks, I really needed that" really made me appreciate how important it is for us to support and love one another and also see how powerful being united truly is.

I hope everyday can be lit up with gratitude as opposed to missing what's not there. 

Big love and hugs to the motherhood... there are some naughty children out there... some mistakenly believe that sex or money equates to love; may they learn the power of a good snuggle!

Boo Bear's Dad just sent me this inspiring quote:

"You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to pay you back" - John Wooden.

Happy thanksgiving.

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