
03 December, 2013

what do you mean "you don't have a phone?!"

When I was in Austria I managed to lose my hard-drive in transit along with my mobile phone charger who was in bed with him. Then my spare phone charger didn't make it to NYC. I figured this was a message for me to have some time out and face another challenge. Being phone-less.

Its not often I lose 'stuff' but it does happen to travellers occasionally and I found treating the missing items as the Buddhist monks do their mandalas which they spend so much dedicated time and discipline towards creating before destroying and burning in prayer as beautiful way of letting go of the fact that the edited images, videos, books, music, poetry and films collated from a huge part of my travels have gone. I hope I have as much fun starting again :)

I have however found a lack of mobile connection to be a blessing in disguise and a rather interesting social experiment. I have been based in a very progressive city, New York City and whilst reconnecting with old friends here and making new ones I realise not having a phone has presented a number of challenges yet equally massive perks. And of course, like many periods of time I've had abstaining from anything, I find myself a little subjected to social ridicule and "no waaaays". Nothing new for me I suppose.

Here is how, quite simply, I tackle not having a mobile phone in a major city where so many are addicted to their devices.
  • Noting down directions, drawing mini maps, using a diary, wearing a watch, a compass would be cool too (no joke!)
  • Pocket subway map
  • More time reading books and writing 
  • Emails/skype instead of texting/calling
After watching the video above, I must admit that I am happy to have surrendered having a mobile for the last month in the USA.  I'm sure I've done my mind some favours and given myself a greater opportunity to connect with the present while probably spending more time working out which way I need to go.

Plus, I do wonder what the impact of mobile phone signals can have on our electromagnetic field and sense of balance... inner granny moment.

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