26 April, 2010
Poor rich people
I look to address the different perceptions and behaviour associated with giving and spending. It interests me because both consequentially have a similar emotional response and yet are communicated and perceived so differently.
I think its important to exercise a fresh perspective, to have a lateral approach and so whilst a part of me thinks this may just be one of those exercises to help me hone this - quite selfishly - it'd be great if it could spark some inspiration elsewhere.
I’m hoping an awesome agency/charity will be interested in bringing it to life, but I could be dreaming. I would obviously be happy for someone to take it and make it their own so long as it were true to the objective (actually, I'd be incredibly flattered!)
I'm not precious about it whatsoever; so please look for holes in it and bring it to my attention - its all part of the process.
I recommend looking at it big screen.
25 April, 2010
Augmented Flashmob in Amsterdam
Amsterdam residents got together at Dam Square yesterday for the first ever augmented reality flashmob. Darth Vader, The Beatles, Superman and various other awesome characters were in attendance.
Love the concept but its just so bizarre to see it in practice. There's no real interaction between the attendees as they're all engrossed with the interfaces of their mobiles.
This dude summed it up nicely ;)
24 April, 2010
How to start a movement
Here are some learnings from Derek Silvers TED Talk:
- A leader needs the guts to stand out and be ridiculed
- If you’re the lone nut who starts a movement, who goes out there alone, nurture your first few followers as equals – its about the movement not about you
- The first follower is an underestimated form of leadership in itself - he shows the others how to follow
- A movement must be public, new followers emulate the followers not the leader
- Leadership is over glorified; the first follower transforms the lone nut in to a leader (if we’re all trying to be leaders it’d be ineffective)
- As more people join in, its less risky, so those who were spectators now have no reason not to get involved - they won't stand out, they won't be ridiculed, they may be part of the in crowd if they hurry (Tipping point)
So, find your followers, embrace them as equals and have the courage to follow and show others. how to follow
18 April, 2010
The Future of Publishing
A very clever way to demonstrate the change publishing is undergoing at the moment. It says embrace your customer as partners in the process, let them inspire creative ideas to guide and validate the content you produce, regardless of the packaging.
And seriously, lets all get over Gaga.
13 April, 2010
The Internet of Things
"The Internet of Things" talks to how the internet has become a nervous system to our planet which can transform data and glean wisdom to create efficiencies in our every day lives.
I wonder what this means? Will humankind become lazy? Will this give us an opportunity to focus on different things such as innovation and creation?
(Thanks Conrad)
12 April, 2010
Demented Augmented
"The latter half of the 20th century saw the built environment merged with media space, and architecture taking on new roles related to branding, image and consumerism. Augmented reality may recontextualise the functions of consumerism and architecture, and change in the way in which we operate within it.
A film produced for my final year Masters in Architecture, part of a larger project about the social and architectural consequences of new media and augmented reality."
- Keiichi Matsuda
11 April, 2010
IBM Colour Sensitive Interactive Billboard
Color Sensitive Interactive Billboard from milton cj on Vimeo.
Interesting use of digital signage. One might even call it 'smart'...
(via Fubiz)
05 April, 2010
Look at the monkey
Props to:
Animation - Thomas Hicks
Music - Aaron Lampert
04 April, 2010
Wireless communications
They're a tool that keeps you constantly in the present. They wake you up in the morning, facilitate gaming, stream movies, music, connect you to your proverbial social sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Foursquare. Furthermore, mobile commerce is evolving from early innovation to mainstream adoption.
Current mobile trends:
MOCOM2020 is an open think tank about mobile media worldwide. Their goal is "to develop a visualized vision of the future of mobile media in the year 2020". They also track the latest buzz on mobile communications.
AdMob serve ads for more than 15,000 mobile Web sites and applications around the world (and stores and analyses the data from every ad request, impression, and click) and offer a snapshot of its data to provide insight into trends in the mobile ecosystem.
Recently they ran a survey to AdMob publishers to understand how they are thinking about cross-platform development. The key takeaway from the survey is that 47% of publishers said they plan on developing on more than one platform in the next 6 months. Among those who plan on developing for another platform, Android was the top choice (caveat Blackberry is not included in the survey).
'In the same vein' they published results of a survey from Appcelerator which measured mobile developer interest on different platforms and found a similar strong interest in Android:
I predict in terms of the breadth of offering and functionality, mobile phone users are going to see their pocket device become increasingly dynamic and depended on in the years to come.
The challenge for brands is how they will facilitate this, using relevant content to work within a world where the primacy of once-virtual communication is transforming as, increasingly, the virtual and the real combine.