
15 October, 2013

the power of introverts

This is a lovely insightful talk on the importance of solitude in a world that, especially in the West, values extroverted people of action and often louder, charismatic voices over the more introverted, yet creative minds.

I love spending time with myself. Cooking myself dinner or going for a nice walk to the beach or in the woods. I also love connecting with people and sharing ideas, however, much of my travels I have enjoyed my time alone in nature and moments getting to know myself.

The lesson I learned is not to take solitude to extreme - I am very blessed to have a family that loves me and friends that enjoy my company. However, in those introspective moments I had some fantastic ideas and inspirations that I know I wouldn't have found chatting to a bunch of backpackers in a busy cafe or guesthouse regardless of how inspired the conversation was. I love going in to my 'cave' and working on projects without the distractions of extroversion.

Some tips:
  1. Stop the madness for constant group work; freedom, autonomy, time alone in workplaces and schools
  2. Go to the wilderness, unplug and get inside our own heads; explore in solitude
  3. Share your joy, whether your an introvert or an extrovert, the world needs you
Have the courage to speak softly.

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