
30 October, 2013

facing the challenges of being a dreamer

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them" - Walt Disney
I am in the 'make your dreams come true' business. Going from 'reality' to 'reality' and traveling to different places around the world has been a brilliant opportunity to help me open my mind to endless possibilities. In a very practical sense however, while it is all very good and well being a witness to different experiences and feeling inspired by the faces, the paradigms, the worlds, the lessons etc. things also need to get done.

There can be so many ideas that fill the mind with "and then I can do this... and then I can do that" which is a wonderful place to be in (as someone who also remembers what it feels like to be stuck and uninspired) but I have found the challenge comes in when making these inspirations manifest. In making ideas real. In the doing. In walking the talk. In fundamentally putting in the work, screwing self-doubt and procrastination while focusing on some goals and taking responsibility for your life i.e. taking the helm and contributing to the world.

I am always learning and so I can only say from the little time I've had on this planet of how wonderful it is to realise ones potential. I'd love others to do so too.  

Here are some fun tips that I use for any dreamers out there wishing to ground ideas in to reality:
  1. Brainstorm, visualise, workshop. Get some post it notes or a note pad and start writing it all down. The ideas. The dreams. The wishes. Ask yourself "what would I do if I knew I could not fail?" Try S.W.O.Ting yourself and working on things that stir your soul and ignite your passion. I've made the notorious mistake of telling so many people about things I want to achieve and have been haunted by those who continue to gently prod me in "so how's this children's book going?" for example. Secretly I am actually grateful for this. Cole from the Ideas Bodega was a very important lady in helping me get unstuck a couple of years ago and her relentless reminders paid off.
  2. Select the one's you want to make happen. Pick your favourite ideas and start to flesh them out. Start tearing up magazines and create a dream board for yourself. Embrace your inner child and be creative. Dream. Create. Go blue sky. Think "what would get me fired?" if you have a job or "what would make my work famous?" if you don't (beware of the latter however, it might happen and then you may want to escape from your own name). Curiosity without direction can be a taxing and ultimately unproductive endeavor. Choice is how we tame and channel and direct our curiosity, where we choose to allocate our time and energy, and ultimately, what we choose to pay attention to.
  3. Make a game plan. This is where some dreamers get stuck. This is where one steps in to the dreaded time dimension and starts looking at what steps are needed to make these dreams come true. Putting timelines in place. Potentially deadlines to set yourself. Writing a to-do list with empty boxes waiting to be ticked. Write affirmations in the present tense and sticking them to your fridge. Get organised and set yourself up for action
  4. Inspired action. Small steps towards that goal will take you closer and closer to you living your dream. Its magical when the Universe starts to bend towards making this happen. Its empowering and it makes one realise that anything is possible. When I find I've drifted off from this, I take a deep breath, do some yoga, clear my mind and re-focus on the intention with an affirmation to make it happen while reminding myself that I could die tomorrow. Remember: You've got nothing to lose.
Aligning and being impeccable with one's intentions, words and actions is the ultimate key to being a master dreamer whilst making awesome things happen. It's not always easy and sometimes you might struggle, but putting in work towards designing a life you love is personally one of the most important journey's I've gone on and continue to go on... Perhaps one day I'll even write a book about it...

If you're starting you're own business, feel free to refer to jectaspecta's approach to digital planning.

Keep having faith in yourself. You are awesome.

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