I must be a fool to append anything to this.
"I love. I let go. I don't try to force... Its the same thing as humility." - Alan Watts
This is a tad sentimental but in essence just a reflection. I went in search of something at the beginning of my travels. I remember saying "I want to let go" yet had no idea what it was I was letting go of. Its all very strange and funny in hindsight. Kind of like an awkwardly cast dark comedy with wonderful adventures, interesting characters and kind friends. The world is an amazing place to explore on a budget with an appetite for inspiration - there is so much we can learn from one another.
But like any scuba diver would know, the deeper you go, the darker it gets and if you come up too fast you might get the bends. Being a wonderer requires an open mind to grasp some of the most mind bending and eye opening ideas and cultures soberly (from oceans to mountains, quantum to philosophy) and learn from them. I would conclude that at some point, after being well indulged, a surrender to appreciate that certain things will always remain unknown creates a more pleasant snorkelling experience where the waters warmer and the fishes have more colour yet the journey of getting there is worthwhile and I'm sure wondering off again is too.

“There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” - C.G. JungI've mentioned before how the word 'passion' comes from the latin word meaning 'to suffer'. There's something beautiful about heartbreak. Its everywhere. Its global. I've not been able to escape it. When you see some of the crazy things in this world or experience it firsthand, one shares in that suffering but perhaps the saving grace is the passion it also inspires to create and find the power to do something about it.
I can totally identify with this post. I'm travelling again, on a shoe string, with my fiance who I met in Colombia last year and I'm planning on being an artist. In fact, I'm setting up a facebook page right now. It's very confusing and a new world, but you've got to try right?!
beautiful post!
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