
16 October, 2013

more of this please world

I don't know about you, but my world is making some crazy shapes at the moment. There are big changes going on; economically, romantically, ecologically, politically etc. Apparently the Universe is expanding faster and faster, phew, I'm feeling it. Sometimes I feel like I am on a roller-coaster dancing between a multitude of worlds; nevertheless there's one powerful uniting force; LOVE.

I'm such an ambassador for this stuff that I embarrass myself openly in public. I'm certainly not perfect but I love inspiring people to consider being more active citizens in this crazy world.

Pops does like to remind me how "we have to live in the 'real world' of the daily grind", but what if we could give a little more thought and action to caring for others' needs? I know its tough for all of us, but, loving thy neighbour through random acts of kindness is a beautiful way of uniting and supporting one another through challenging times. I feel its time to move on from this endemic of apathy, consequent to an industrious materialistic world we're living in, and take those little opportunities to care for another.

Simple kindly gestures can create a butterfly affect in to an increasingly united, conscious and better world. And if this video doesn't fill your heart with hope, check yourself. This is real superhero behaviour.

Of the wall idea: Please can the Road & Traffic Authorites put a warning sign on their Traffic Alert motorway banners reminding drivers to; "BREATHE".  Too much road rage is bad for the heart. Fact.

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